quit spinnin my world round
Quit spinnin my world round
It makes me nauseous
So nauseous
I'd like to get off
Any time soon
I wasn't tall enough for this ride
My under wear rides
My boss is riding my back
I wish things would go back
To how they were before
When Atlas shrugged his shoulders
And read me the Ayn Rand Cliff's Notes
It made me spin to sleep
As he spun lies
Solid gold lies
On the back of a taper
A three toed sloth
A three mile island
And a man with a gridiron invisible stomach
A waffle iron turned to stone
I turned my attention
And directed it at the TV
It turns out it wasn't a bomb after all
Just a friendly prank
Perpetrated against me
By my evil twin
He has no shadow
Yet I am constantly moved to return his gifts
He is an incosiderate idiot
Yet I cannot remember his address
I directed my attention out the window
And took a lovely jump
It changed the air in my lungs
Exchanged it for seasonal allergies
What a dandy gift
So when I caught up with my whimsy
I had my instincts in a paper sack
Hoisted over my shoulder
And affected the coriolis
It didn't belong to me
But everyone appreciated the change all the same
Still the barber pole bisected the globe spun on and on
Prompting me to ask once again
Quit spinnin my world round
It makes my head spin
It turns my logic turvy
Topsy hair cut and all
These are my demands
Decipher them and send them across the sea
To my dear friends who have the decency to
Speak a language I cannot understand
And they don't seem to mind the graffiti birth mark
It wasn't my fault
I was born that way
It wasn't my fault I was born
Still the C-Section borne
It made my umbilical lasso spin
And I wrangled myself a real beaut
I moved to Texas
Got married
Had three kids
And lived happily until I realized
The damn world was spinning again
So I rambled on...Toothache in a toothpaste form?