Maybe 1 day when our ship has sailed and we all go our own separate ways, we'll all make our way back here from both ends of the ocean, but I doubt it
Whatever happened to the way we used to be
Did it keep on going without us
Did we ever catch that bus
Did we ever hollow out that hill and make our top secret hideout
Did I just give myself away
Stop before I start talking too slow
Oh shit
I just gave myself away
In the heat of the moment I was left out in the coldI was getting left behind when you were doing as you're told
Be a good boy
Drive a nice car
I burnt my tongue on that shooting star
The sky tucked me into bed at night
And I threw away the key
And these bodies are surrounding me
They don't come home at night, they come out at night
It's okay
It's alright
If you were meant to understand then you wouldn't be reading this
This time out
Down the street, I grit my teeth.
And can't remember why.
Up the road, I wanna change your mind.
But it's already pretty made up
and can't remember why.
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