Wednesday, December 06, 2006

if you're still reading then you're somewhat literate for some reason

So I played with the sun over an open flame all afternoon
We played telephone all day but everyone spoke too soon
The message got garbled but that's kind of the point
We greased up all those rickety joints
Boarded a boat for the moon
Opened up all those greasy mouths
To force the dirty hands back down in the dirt
All to catch the eye of a passing face
Dinner came so late it was nearly breakfast
Another mouth to feed
Another mouth to feed
Another mouth to feed
Another mouth to feed
The solar eclipsed lunch time

The sun melted into creaky joints
We caught the joy with a crayon sharpener
The rest of the day was too ridiculous
It was opposite day
But I forgot
The stupid traditions
And Pagan rituals
I forgot what made my blood work
I kept the paper work over late at night to keep it tidy
It's nice and legal that way
With eyes draining the clock
And melted nails sagging down the cheeks

Tomorrow is just todays yesterday
And the cookie crumbled
The dinner rolls went unchecked from the proper boxes
We all wound up going hungry for dinner
And instead we just ate our testimonials
The witness stand was outdated so we upgraded to a wireless bullshit machine
It was better in a way
And in another way it was even better

The albatross stood on the fork of the road and set my dinner table
I have a dinner date to sell my soul
That devil he better not be late
I'm important I guess or so says my backstage pass
I need a bucket to carry it all in
In the back pocket, pocket watch
Eyes watch the clock
Termite infested eye sockets

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