Monday, March 12, 2007

don't laugh you'll miss the humor in it (my dinner with the idiot)

make a mental note of the literal garbage flowing from my mouth
it happens with unseasonable occasion
the rhythm you can set a watch to
the unparalleled mistakes you make
they make it perfect
so don't cast doubt
when there's nothing
you think with your mind
when there's nothing upstairs
the heart's what it's got
so don't you dare
question it
with apostrophes
and sentences
it's a whole new language
flowing from my mouth
so mark the rings around the cut down tree
and contemplate freedom when you were born free
don't die young
don't laugh you'll miss the humor
don't miss the moment while you're in one
don't worry what to say or do
i'm finally done
i'm finally done
i finally spent every cent and dollar i ever earned
i didn't ever listen to the advice i heard
i'm a little tea pot
and this is my spot light
i'm gonna make wrongs right
night life
cutthroat jack knife
cutting holes in a paper thin sky
the stars are on the highway
and i'm finally done
we aren't the world

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